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Private Therapy? School Based Therapy ?

For most children, our gold standard for care is private therapy AND school based therapy.

School Based Therapy

Methodology: School based therapy is mandated to be
educationally relevant. This means that therapists in
schools must provide therapy with the goal of helping a
child succeed in the educational environment.

Sessions: Students are typically seen in groups for speech. Students may be pulled from classrooms for therapy.

Plans: Plans are revised yearly.

Reassessments: Reassessments are completed every 3 years.

Adult Involvement: Therapist typically train teachers and aids that the student interacts with daily


Private Based Therapy

Methodology: Private therapy is designed to target medical and developmental sources of delays/disorders. Therapist i private clinics can target and create goals that can be aimed at helping a child succeed in many environments.

Sessions: Students are seen individually at times scheduled by families.

Plans: Plans of care and goals are revised as needed.

Reassessments: Reassessments are completed every 6-12 months.

Adult Involvement: Parents are invited and expected to participate in sessions and use strategies at home


School Based Therapy

Private Based Therapy

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