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Speech & Language Therapy Services

Speech-Language Evaluations

An evaluation aids in identifying support needs and goals for therapy. Most clients need to start by having a full speech and language evaluation.

*If you have had an evaluation done elsewhere, please contact us regarding next steps. We may be able to accept another clinic's evaluation.

Articulation and Motor Speech Disorders

We provide support for developing clear, understandable, and functional speech using individualized treatment methods.


Stuttering, or problems using fluent, smooth speech can cause disruption to the flow of communication. We use well-tested methods to support functional communication skills, increase fluency, communication confidence and support the use of self advocacy and disclosure strategies.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

AAC includes alternative ways to communicate other than spoken words, including speech output devices, iPads, written language, sign language and gestures.

Cognitive Communication

Adults and children may have neurological impairments, such as Aphasia, Dementia, or Traumatic Brain Injury and other brain-based communication problems. We work with people with these problems to help restore communication, memory, and thinking skills

Early Literacy Skills

Children who have spoken language delays are at risk for reading and writing difficulties because spoken and written language are closely related. Pre-reading & pre-writing skills for those children are added to intervention as needed.

Receptive and Expressive Language

We evaluate and provide therapy for understanding and using language. Receptive and expressive language skills can be targeted through verbal speech or aided language methods.


Stuttering, or problems using fluent, smooth speech can cause disruption to the flow of communication. We use well-tested methods to help increase fluency, communication confidence and support the use of self advocacy and disclosure strategies

Pragmatics (Social Communication)

 We provide support for perspective taking, advocacy, self awareness during social communication opportunities, and engaging in problem solving. We also put a strong emphasis on self determination during social communication opportunities.

Occupational Therapy Services

Activities of Daily Living

We support children in developing skills needed to perform developmentally appropriate self-care activities. These activities may include grooming, toileting, hygiene, dressing and more.

Sensory Integration

Sensory processing and integration lays the foundation of a child’s nervous system and informs their ability to organize sensations from the world and their body. Delays and differences in processing sensory information can impact a child’s ability to participation in daily routines. OTs use sensory integration techniques during challenging and engaging activities that require the “just right” amount of effort in order to help children develop more efficient sensory processing and self-regulation skills. This allows them to adapt to engage in different environments successfully.

Visual Motor Skills

We support children in developing visual motor integration skills. This is a complex skill set which allows children to combine visual perception and motor control needed for activities such as hand-eye coordination in ball handling tasks, handwriting, cutting and buttoning or zipping.

Gross Motor Development and Coordination

OTs support development and quality gross motor control of the large muscle groups in the body and those related to posture which provides the foundation to all other aspects of development. OT provides individualized and developmentally appropriate challenges to help children develop these motor skills including strength, coordination and balance. This can also include infants and toddlers who are showing delays in gaining skills within developmentally appropriate time frames and/or those who demonstrate delays in quality of motor movements.

Play/Social Skills

Play and interacting with peers are two major occupations in the life of a child. We help children develop social skills through opportunities that provide joint attention, cooperation, turn-taking and negotiation. If appropriate, siblings can join therapy sessions to further support skill development. Additionally, children may struggle to develop play skills and need support for motor planning, expanding play and coming up with new ideas in addition to the motor skills required for the play action.

Fine Motor Development and Coordination

OTs also support development and quality fine motor control of the small or detailed movements in the wrist, hand and fingers to support their participation in age-appropriate activities including school-related activities, play and self-care tasks. We look at how children isolate movements and use both arms together or in a coordinated manner to complete tasks successfully using a variety of engaging activities and games.

Social Emotional Skills

OTs work closely with children and their families to develop co-regulation skills. We help children explore their emotions and develop emotional regulation strategies. We also help children develop self-confidence for completing activities that may be challenging due to underlying skill deficits across their daily routines.

Executive Function Skills

We support children in developing skills needed to perform developmentally appropriate self-care activities. These activities may include grooming, toileting, hygiene, dressing and more.

Feeding Therapy Services

Oral Motor Skills

We provide support with obtaining oral motor skills necessary for eating.

Sensory Integration

Allows the child to explore foods with different sensory properties. This includes color, size, shape, texture, temperature, smell and taste

Self-Feeding Skills

We provide support to help children learn the skills for cup drinking and using utensils.


Children learn best through play. We support the child during feeding sessions by engaging in play that is meaningful to them. This helps create a safe environment to explore foods that may be familiar and unfamiliar to them.


Our services are family-friendly!


We also offer telepractice (online) service to all of Ohio! Explore how we can help!


Baby Playing with Building Blocks


(330) 846-1800


(330) 286-9808


1951 State Route 59

Suite C

Kent, Ohio 44240



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